Want to make this the last time,
you have to quit?

Sustainably. Doable. Without the drama, (self)doubt, crazy mood swings and won’t-quit cravings?

Take a deep breath; you’re in the right place!

The Quit Smoking Method is your short cut to quitting tobacco for good. It’s a sense and science based step-by-step method helping you ease into a sustainable quit, building your confidence along the way.

There are no meds with scary leaflets, no expensive gum, patches or vapes that keep you hooked and no woo-woo. 

Instead it’s experience-based, psychology-backed, tried and tested by real people, living real (and sometimes messy) lives. Its foundation is a clear-eyed understanding of…

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…the three main components: the effects of nicotine addiction, the psychological mechanisms of habit change, and the down-to-earth formula for actually getting it integrated into your everyday life!

It’s developed by someone just like you, who struggled to kick the habit, tried everything (and everything twice) – and knows a thing or two(…hundred) about why it’s so hard, and most importantly what to do about it; How to crack the code to a personally fitted quit strategy that actually works for you . And how to ‘hack the system’ for a successful quit without all the run-arounds and failed attempts.

The Quit Smoking Method is a no-nonsense 6-8 weeks step-by-step program that teaches you what you need to learn and incorporate to quit smoking for good, and supports you along the way.

The program guides and supports you through the necessary stages of understanding and changing your patterns of behaviour. It helps you keep motivated and build your confidence along the way – step by step – as you let go of the cigarettes and learn how to tackle discomfort without crashing. The method gives you a tailormade personal roadmap for quitting sustainably. Not by telling you to “just quit”, “think positive thoughts” or trying to brainwash you into believing that “cravings aren’t real” (they are!) – but by helping you see and tackle the roadblocks ahead, so that you are prepared to finish strong and happy about it when you quit!

(Not sure yet – or just looking to check it out? Great! There’s also a mini-version to get you started and some no-payment resource options, if you scroll down a bit.)



Your odds of sustainable success depending on quit method, according to science and data:


Cold Turkey 3-5%


Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)


Meds 15-20%


Counseling Group or Program 25-39%


TQSM 6-8 Weeks Program (VIP option)

If you’ve tried to quit before, you know this too …or, at least you probably suspect it: not all methods are equally successful, and though we all know that girl or guy who just went cold turkey and never looked back… unfortunately, it’s not the norm.

(You can read more about how and why the five most commonly shared pieces of ‘advice’ on quitting smoking can actually make it harder for you to succeed here [link] – and what I recommend you do instead)

Tailormade solutions to help you quit

– at the stage where you’re at today, and at the pace, that can get you there the fastest – in a sustainable way!

Instant Cravings Counter Kit – handy download

Your handy resource bundle with 17 tried and true tips to help you combat cravings in 2 minutes or less – at home, at work or on the go. 

No matter how your cravings manifest (physical discomfort, mood swings, feeling restless, bored, stressed, sad etc..), there are effective and doable options for you in this Kit. They can help you lower the spikes of cravings when you’re quitting – and don’t want to just exchange one nicotine product for another!

Crack the Code to Quit Smoking (4 day mini-course) – online

The mini-option to get you started, or boost your current stop-plan.

The 4 day mini-course helps you identify your personal smoking type and gives you the tools to craft a tailor-made strategy to quit smoking in the way that fits you best.

The Quit Smoking Method (6-8 weeks program) – online

The step-by-step follow along course to help you securely past the finish line (and way past any prior failed attempts) – to liberate yourself from the habit without losing your cool!

This is the program that helps you get real results and helps you quit smoking for good, with support and encouragement along the way.

Available in tailormade options to fit your personal needs, preferences and budget.

(The course is open for enrolment three times per year only, and seats are limited. Check for availability or sign up on the wait-list here)

Or… grab one of the No-pay Resources today:

Free Resources

Quit Smoking Club – free facebook group

Our free community with support, tips and inspiration no matter where you are in your journey to quit/stay quit. It’s for recent and future ex-smokers who are looking for a place to shed the guilt, get support, share experiences, get ready to quit, reach the finish line, avoid relapse… In a natural, sustainable way.

This is your no-BS and no-guilt zone to help you quit for good, and stay quit – moderated by The Quit Smoking Method, with Q&A’s and masterclasses by ex-smoker and psychologist Mikkeline Albeck and guest experts.

Come join us – no matter where you are in your journey towards freedom!

The 5 common pieces of ‘advice’ to quit smoking that can actually make it harder; How, Why, and What to do about it! – eBook (pdf)
My 3 favourite craving-beating tips – on the go! – handy download (pdf)

Not sure, if you’re ready to quit?

Take the 2 minute quiz and find out!
(plus: get my honest opinion on where to start, and what pace might be right for you)

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Who am I to tell you [typed string0=”what to do?” string1=”how to do it?” typeSpeed=”40″ startDelay=”0″ backSpeed=”50″ backDelay=”1500″ loopCount=”99″ loop=”1″]

Hi, I’m Mikkeline and I’m an ex- (heavy) smoker. I am also a social psychologist, coach and the woman behind the Quit Smoking Method.

For the past nine years I’ve been helping others like you and me quit for good – working off of my own experience, psychological insights and tools, and the accumulated data points on smoking cessation success.

What started as a frustration from my many, many failed attempts using the ‘best practice methods’ of the time, became an obsession to understand the underlying mechanisms that factored in and kept me hooked.

The BIG shift came, when I realised, these three things:

Motivation is important – but you cannot rely on it alone to quit smoking. What truly makes the big difference is practice.

The way you smoke; your reasons, triggers and benefits wary from person to person – the strategy to quit needs to be individually tailored to you, too.

Beating yourself up about it works against your efforts. So does trying to reason with yourself. But being kind to yourself, and understanding the underlying mechanisms is paramount. Then you can “game the system” and make it work for you instead.

After finally succeeding to quit myself, I started helping family and friends kick the habit too, and gradually formulated the core principles of a successful smoking cessation from trial and error and feedback. Eventually I built it into a step-by-step process, that I use, when helping clients today.

Since then, I’ve danced many a ‘happy dance’ celebrating with clients when they reach their goal of freedom from tobacco and nicotine.

Witnessing the change in another person just never gets old; from the initial fear of failure, guesswork, overwhelm and even feelings of defeat from too many prior failed attempts – to hopefulness, the a-ha moments of cracking the code, the mastery of habit change and countering cravings – and finally the empowerment and personal freedom when they kick the habit to the curb.

… and breathe!

 Checking out options to quit, even just casually reading about it, can be stressful. 

Whether you’re seriously considering a quit, or just flirting with the idea… for some other time in your future. 

It tends to get your heartrate going, maybe you palms are even sweating a bit? 

It’s OK. 

You’ve made it this far – now pat yourself on the back, and be forgiving with yourself. 

If you’ve read this far, it’s a BIG first step. And perhaps a sign, that you’re more ready, than you think?

Take the quiz and find out  

I’m cheering for you!

© 2021 The Quit Smoking Method by Mikkeline Albeck